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Zulaika has a new dress!

Foto van schrijver: hortence brouwnhortence brouwn

The Mama 'Zulaika' in Otrobanda got a brand-new red dress designed by Viangelo Lomp who is her neighbor.

Zulaika is the largest mama that Hortence Brouwn has made, also the heaviest as it is made from concrete. She has a very comfortable spot watching from the 'Seri' Otrobanda'; the Otrobanda Hill. You can sit next to her on her comfortable bench and enjoy the scenery she enjoys. Just go chill with this mama.

Viangelo also gave the mama a seal coating to protect her red dress.

Avantia Damberg sitting next to Mama Zulaika is the artist who made the Colorful Stairs at the right. All the art works are a great addition to Seri' Otrobanda!

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